Our Services
Therapy can help address the many mental, emotional, and behavioral challenges that our children and families face. We offer individual, family, and parenting therapy as well as play therapy for children. We understand that parents can feel overwhelmed or confused about how to best help their children cope with various stressors and mental health concerns. We are here to help and make recommendations where appropriate, so you can know how best to proceed in supporting your children. We provide systemic, evidenced-based therapies that are effective in treating these issues and many more.
Anxiety, depression & mood issues
Academic challenges
Autism spectrum disorders (ASD)
Social skills
College preparation
Dealing with divorce & life transitions
Eating disorders, body image & self esteem
Oppositional & defiant behaviors
Parent child conflict & sibling conflict
Resilience building
Self-harm & high-risk behaviors
Coping skills
Substance misuse & relapse prevention
Pediatric Health Psychology
It is not uncommon for children diagnosed with chronic illness to experience depression, anxiety, or burnout. For some, these may impact adherence to their treatment regimen, academic performance, or social functioning. It may be difficult for children and adolescents to accept a new diagnosis or cope with needle phobia, procedural anxiety, or pain. We also utilize the Health at Every Size (HAES) approach to promote flexible, individualized eating based on hunger, satiety, nutritional needs, and pleasure for families looking to increase healthy lifestyle behaviors. Therapy can be a helpful step in learning skills to cope with emotional or behavioral challenges related to chronic or acute illness. We provide psychological support for children, adolescents, and young adults with:
Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
Gastrointestinal concerns
Pre- and Post-Transplant
Sickle Cell Anemia
Cystic Fibrosis
Chronic pain and headaches
Psychological Evaluations
If you are concerned about your child’s performance at school or their social, emotional, or behavioral functioning, scheduling a comprehensive evaluation is a great place to start. Many symptoms of childhood disorders overlap or present similarly, making it difficult to identify the exact cause of symptoms. Psychologists use assessments and evaluations to provide a better understanding of one’s social, academic, emotional, or behavioral challenges and to provide specific recommendations and treatment options.
What to Expect for a Comprehensive Evaluation
The duration of a psychological evaluation may vary from six to ten hours (or three to four hours for gifted testing) depending on the amount of testing required and the work ethic of each child (e.g., how many breaks are needed to maintain attention and concentration). Testing may be spread out over several sessions in order for your child to perform their best. A comprehensive evaluation will include a thorough intake to review your child’s history (e.g., social, academic, family, and developmental history) and a variety of standardized psychological and academic tests. Evaluations may also include interviews, school observation, surveys, checklists to be completed by the client, caregivers, or teachers involved, and formal testing (e.g., cognitive, achievement, reading, writing, attention). A review of records, such as academic or medical records, as well as consultation with any professionals involved may also be used. Once testing is completed, all materials are scored and interpreted. A final report is provided directly to you as part of an in-depth feedback session. During this feedback session, any diagnoses will be discussed and specific recommendations will be provided. We provide the following psychological evaluations and testing services for children, teens and young adults.
Developmental Delay Concerns
Evaluations for Additional Time or Other Accommodations on Standardized Testing
Gifted Testing
Learning Disorders
Mood or Behavior Disorders
There is hope for a better future no matter what obstacles your child may be experiencing. We are here to help you better understand the challenges your child faces and help devise a plan to live a fulfilling, happy, and healthy life. Years of research has shown that early intervention leads to the best likelihood of positive outcomes for children, so it is never too early to act. Our services are individualized to the unique circumstances of each client. Our goal is support you using a collaborative and personalized approach.
“The process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or significant sources of stress—such as family and relationship problems, serious health problems, or workplace and financial stressors.” - American Psychological Association